Essay On Student Debt

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In this day in age many people argue that a traditional college education is not worth the time and money it requires. According to The Project On Student Debt, 71% of college graduates where in debt with an average debt of $29,400 per borrower. Despite this massive debt, a college education is an opportunity that everyone should take advantage of if they have the chance because you receive higher pay, lower unemployment rates, and more job choices.

$26,038. This is how much more money you will make on average with a bachelors degree compared to only having a high school education. This alone should convince anyone with common sense that college has an obvious monetary value, but not everyone. Some people like Christen Kauffman a Teacher in Lake Wales who has a combined total of $330,000 in student debt with her husband …show more content…

You may think that you are going to be just like them with your ingenious idea, sorry to break this to you, but the chances are that this is most likely not going to happen. This is where college comes in, with a college degree you can be anything you from a social worker to even fulfilling your childhood dream of becoming an astronaut, with a bachelors in engineering of course. You see with a college education you are able to choose what YOU want to do with your life and not having to take the night shift at a fast food place because you decided to dropout of high school. Now some people might argue that college in not necessary to choose your dream job and that can be true in some cases, for example actors usually don't need a college degree to be successful, but other than that your jobs are very limited to the retail sector and other types of jobs that usually don’t require higher than a high school diploma. As you can see with a college degree your job opportunities are much larger, better, and most likely better for

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