Essay On Squealer And The Russian Revolution

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Squealer and the Russian revolution
Animal Farm is an allegory novel written by George Orwell, that is presented as a parallel to the events during the Russian revolution in 1917, and Stalin’s rule of Russia until 1953. The Russian Revolution was a pair of revolutions in Russia that took apart the Tsardom of Russia which led to the rise of the Soviet Union. Propaganda was used greatly during this time to convince the people of Russia that the revolution would improve their current lives. In the novel this is shown through the pig Squealer. Squealer is a clever pig who is quoted by the animals as being able to “turn black into white" with his words and propaganda techniques. Orwell used the silver-tongued pig to demonstrate the power that language and propaganda can have on people who are naïve, or easily manipulated, and to represent what was happening during the Russian revolution. Throughout the novel, the pig Squealer serves as Napoleon's mouthpiece, who is described by the farm animals as being able to master the use of Propaganda to manipulate the somewhat naive animals. He is frequently used to justify changes to the farm made by the power-hungry pigs whose use of rules and order gives them power over the animals. The following quote is an example of one of his many deceitful statements:
“‘That was part of the …show more content…

When they saw the van taking Boxer away was marked “horse slaughterer”, they came to the conclusion that he was being sent away to be killed. At this time that the animals were realising how bad of a leader Napoleon was, Squealer manages to convince them that they're being stupid and irrational. This is evident when he says,(bleh) ”It was almost unbelievable… that any animal could be so stupid. Surely,’ he cried indignantly, whisking his tail and skipping from side to side, surely they knew their beloved Leader, Comrade Napoleon, better than

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