Essay On Sports Development

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Sports development and coaching sciences are both major factors that I consider to be the reasoning behind me being successful in sport and having the knowledge, understanding and opportunities to excel in physical activity and reach my highest potential.

Sports development has been extremely important in my life to help me develop and build my social skills and making me the sportsman that I am today. Football and athletics have always been my strong sports and I feel like I have gained many key social skills whilst being involved with them. When talking about football, I have always been the youngest player to play in the teams which were for my secondary school team, my local team, Berkshire county and for when I had Chelsea FC trials. …show more content…

Apart from football, athletics has been sport that I favoured, and I participated at my secondary school where I was taught by high-level teachers and was taught the basic techniques of the events that I did in athletics which were 200m, 400m, long jump and high jump. From participating I was invited to go to an event to represent the school and from this I was noticed by county coaches and was offered to go to the county training sessions. Being at the county training sessions made me focus much harder on the specifics of my events for example looking at the way I run, the stance I create at peak jump in long jump and where to position myself best and analysing the different angles at which to run at the pole in high jump and how to approach it or what style of jump I should perform. I realised that coaching sciences had improved since moving from my secondary school to a more elite level as they started to track my eating, amount of exercise I did and even what I did on a day to day basis. As well as this they looked at heart rate and pressure and took many other figures of me and other individuals which showed me that they were serious and committed

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