Green Sea Turtle Essay

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Sea turtles are ancient creatures. They have been around for more than 110 million years ago. Turtles can live up to 100 years old fi they are able to protect themselves from harm. The Latin name for a sea turtle in general is Chelonioidea. Sea turtles are classified in following: Animalia Kingdom, Chordata phylum, Repitila class, Testudines order and Crypotdia suborder. They are also classified in the Chelonlidae or Dermochelyidae family. The genus and species of sea turtles depends on the species it is. There are seven species of sea turtles which are Green turtles, Logger head, Leatherback, Hawksbill, Olive Ridley, Kemp’s Ridley and Flatback. Stated by National Wildlife Federation (NDF), Green turtles are rarely seen on land. Since they …show more content…

They are one of the few creatures to have an internal and external skeleton. Their external skeleton is for protection for their internal organs. It has two halves called lower plastron and upper carapace. The carapace is known as the turtle’s shell. It covers mostly everything except their flippers and head. Not every turtle has a green shell. Their scute is a bony external plate on the shell of the turtle. The scute is used to determine what species a turtle is by counting the number of species they have. Green Sea Turtles are large they range around 5 1/2 feet and can weigh up to 400 pounds. People wonder how they got their name, it is from the color of their fat. Their fat is that color because they consume …show more content…

Except they have cloacas. Cloacas is “a common cavity at the end of the digestive tract for the release of both excretory and genital products in vertebrates.(Dictonary.Refrences)” They have two regions in their stomachs named The cranial region and caudal fundic pyloric region. Thye also have three regions of their small intestine, the duodenum, jejunum and ileum. The excretory system of the turtle is where all harmful wastes from the turtle's body and blood are removed. The kidney sends wastes to the bladder as urine. It does this because the kidney performs blood filtering. The bladder stores the

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