Essay On Reputation In The Crucible

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Crucible essay

4th hour
7 April 2016
Reputation on the Crucible Essay
Reputation is a publicly recognized name of someone or something that had or has been specified. Reputation plays a huge part in the Crucible in public and private situations. The private situations it plays fear of guilt by association becoming harmful. Public reputation is when the townspeople of Salem must fear the sins of friends and associates will taint their names. Arthur Miller, author of the Crucible portrays various characters desired to protect their respective reputations by getting past the strict moral values. Reverend Parris, John Proctor and Judge Danforth find their own method of saving, building or keeping their good reputation status one way or another. As the play begins, Reverend Parris fears that Abigail’s actions and hints of witchcraft surrounding his daughter’s coma, will threaten his reputation and force him from the pulpit. "But if you trafficked with spirits in the forest I must know it now, for surely my enemies will, and they will ruin me with it.” (10). He was only …show more content…

He refuses to not accuse his friends and neighbors as witches. Seeking to keep his good name from being dishonored. Earlier, he has a chance to put a stop to the girl’s accusations, but desiring to protect his reputation. At the end of the play, Proctor’s desire to keep his name making him a heroic choice by not making false confession. Also going to his death without signing his name to a statement that was untrue. “I have given you my soul; leave me my name!” (352). Refusing to keep his name, he helps himself for his earlier failure and dies with integrity. John Proctor wanted to show his children that it is better to tell the truth than to lie just because everyone is telling you to do so. He wanted to set an example for his children on how they should

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