Essay On Racism And Social Disadvantages

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Racism and social disadvantage being the by-products of Australian colonisation have become reality for Aboriginal people from the early beginnings as well as being prevalent to this day. There exists a complex and strong association between racism and Aboriginal poor health, assisting in the undermining of the emotional and social wellbeing of this Indigenous group. Racism has an adverse and insidious effect upon the psychological and physical health of the Aboriginal people, as it gnaws away on the mental state of the individual, having detrimental consequence upon the standard of acceptable health in today 's modern society. The effects of this discrimination become the catalyst towards the undermining of one 's self esteem which leads to detrimental stress levels, self-negativity and having the potential …show more content…

Institutionalised racism exists under a more subversive manner, hidden in the shadows, yet still has the ability to prevent attempts to mend these health disparities. Consideration must be given to the factors that induce such health disparities, such as socio economic levels of disparity and employment status. However, the dynamic complexity associated with racism alongside ill health must be noted, were poor mental and physical health might be a pre-determinant for being a factor responsible for keeping one out of a vocation and poverty. Larson and her colleagues argue that lessening the socioeconomic inequality would reduce, but not curtail these health inequalities (2007, p327). The difficulty presented to this, is that racism is firmly entrenched within some structural frameworks of society, with the ability to extinguish any progressive movements towards these health issues, but instead reinforcing negative ideologies towards Indigenous

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