Essay On Prostitution

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Prostitution can be described as one person usually called a prostitute performing sexual services to a recipient in exchange for something that can be deemed valuable. Majority of the time the payment is money, but prostitutes have been known to perform sexual services for drugs like cocaine or things such as diamonds and even gold. In my opinion Women or men don’t need to turn to prostitution to make money; I don’t see the need for a woman to rent her vagina or any other parts of her body to earn money. For the sake of time and to avoid confusion, I will be focusing on prostitution in America because across the world each country has different laws against or for prostitution, which may be a bit confusing in regard to what I’m trying say …show more content…

Prostitution being illegal and staying that way will help deter young girls from being interested in joining that field of work especially known that they can be locked up. Another reason that prostitution should remain illegal that often times young girls are introduced to drugs like heroine and cocaine while caught up in the world of prostitution, during a year a prostitute can have had sex with as many as fifty men; this can leave them feeling worthless so often times they may turn to hard drugs to ease their pains of feeling used. Lastly, many prostitutes end up either getting killed if a customer forces the prostitutes into sex and he or she doesn’t give consent into sexual services majority of the time prostitutes will get raped. Keeping prostitution illegal does more for society because the majority of prostitution happens during night time in areas known to have bad reputations that are filled with criminals like thieves and …show more content…

Children need to be raised with love and time to enjoy their childhood, if their neighborhood is filled with prostitution and drugs that can harm their development they may never get to go outside and play with their parents fearing for the worst. Imagine if prostitution was legal in every state and every neighborhood think of all the deaths that could potentially occur; also think of all the young girls or boys that could potentially get raped all because some sick person felt like it. Prostitution being illegal would just cause a world wind of harm to society as we know it. As for the places where prostitution is legal such as Nevada or Amsterdam many of the recipients of these sexual services run the risk of getting sexual transmitted diseases such as HIV or Aids to name a few. Also, many prostitutes have unprotected sex which results in them becoming pregnant and because they often times don’t know who got them pregnant in the first place they often times are ashamed and opt to have an

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