Essay On Privacy In Social Media

525 Words2 Pages

Sharing personal information online through social media is becoming increasingly popular. This is evident because Facebook has reached five hundred million members. The rising popularity of social media raises many privacy concerns. In February 2012, the Federal Trade Commission advocated that companies must adopt stronger restrictions on tracking individuals’ online activities. The FTC also urged the cell phone industry incorporate more privacy safeguards into their products. The main issue is that should the U.S government regulate privacy on social-networking sites to protect members’ information.
In recent years, social media have played primary roles in society. It helped overturn a government, revamp the way advertising targets consumers, and address many social issues. Social media is a very broad term; a system of websites and applications used to communicate through the Internet. Social media consists of social bookmarking, news, photo and video sharing, and networking. Theses websites and applications have one major thing in common; users are able to interact with one anot...

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