Essay On Parenting

2026 Words5 Pages

I. Mobilize:
A. Define the community health problem/concern:
Parenting styles influence child development and play a major part in determining future mental health. Many parents are unaware that the way they treat their children could affect their mental health, not only as a child, but also later in life. The mental health issues that are started in child hood from negative parenting such as neglect, abuse, detachment and bonding issues can overflow into adulthood. Parenting is not the only factor that can lead to mental health conditions but nevertheless it is an important factor. Multiple disorders can arise from bad parenting, starting with mild anxiety and depression, to more serious forms displayed in personality disorders such as conduct disorder. Many times these children grow up to be parents using the same parenting style that they are familiar with, causing the cycle to begin again. If this concern is not addressed, cycles of bad parenting causing mental illness will continue on from generation to generation.

B. Discuss community health problem/concern in context to global, national, state, or local public health: This concern is worldwide. There are multiple research studies on how to address this issue in many countries. It is not limited to race or socioeconomic status. Many parents are not aware nor are advised about parenting effects on their child’s mental health, a major reason this concern is so widespread and prevalent.

C. List the current prevalence and incidence of the health problem/concern by category (HP2020, CDC, TDHS, etc):
HP2020 Mental Health and Mental Disorders:
Mental disorders are among the most common causes of disability. The resulting disease burden of mental illness is among the highest ...

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...d getting healthcare providers involved
• Wellness education through parenting support groups, pamphlets, online resources, and local community providers.

F. Construct a teaching plan (outline) to meet the HP 2020 goal and objective.
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G. Describe barriers that may occur in teaching your target audience:
Parents fear of being stigmatized and judged. Fear of negative consequences if admitting to negative parenting behaviors. Embarrassment. Education levels. Knowledge deficiencies concerning mental health or not understanding the relationship of mental health on physical health. Denial. Lack of interest. Not ready to learn. Battle between parents feeling their way is the right way verses evidence based practice. Parents getting defensive when they feel their parenting ability is threatened.

H. Evidence is factual and free of bias/opinion.

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