Essay On Osteoporosis

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Osteoporosis is the loss of bone mass that results in the bones thinning. The thinning of the bones causes them to be very weak, fragile and they are susceptible to fractures and breaks easily. Osteoporosis mostly affects the skeletal system because it’s made up of bones, but it impacts other systems in the body indirectly. Osteoporosis can result if the body does not produce enough bone cell through Ossification or if the body losses or destroys a lot of bone cells. This means when suffering from Osteoporosis, there is the presence of fully formed and Calcified Osteons, but there is a deficiency which creates empty space in the bone tissue making it brittle.
Osteoporosis existed even before research or nay discoveries were made. Evidence has …show more content…

It was coined by French pathologist Jean G. C. F. M. Lobstein in the 1820s in the context of osteitis (inflammation of the bone). It was derived from the Greek osteon(bone), to which he added poros (little hole). Thus, osteoporosis meant “porous bone,” a condition that Lobstein had observed in patients.” After more research was done on how bones are formed and how the skeletal system works, it laid the foundation to understand Osteoporosis better and to develop treatment.
Osteoporosis affects the skeletal which is made up of bones, tendons, ligaments, and cartilage. Tendons attach bones to muscles while ligaments attach bones to bones and cartilage which is a connective tissue mostly forms joints between two bones, acts as a shock absorber and areas that requires flexibility. The Skeletal system is divided into two parts namely the axial skeleton and the appendicular skeleton. The axial skeleton is made up of the bones of the skull, the vertebrae, ribs, and the sternum whereas the appendicular skeleton is made up of the bones of the upper extremities and lower …show more content…

The skeletal system also maintains the structure of the body and is the frame work of its shape. According to Elaine N. Marieb & Katja Hoehn, (2016), “The axial skeleton supports and protects, while the appendicular skeleton allows mobility.”
Osteoporosis affects the functioning of the skeletal system creating many complications. It causes the bones to be weak and hence they can break easily making functions such as movements hard and very risky. According to Havard Health Publishing, (2012), “Individuals with osteoporosis are at higher risk for breaking bones. The most common osteoporosis-related fractures occur in the wrist, hip, and spine. Hip fractures can be difficult to heal. This can lead to complications and other health problems, and often contribute to premature death.”
Osteoporosis also increases a risk of deformities such as hump backs and rickets due to bones bending because they cannot support. It can also result in the vertebrae collapsing and this will cause back pain and reduced height. The vertebral column can also bend sideways creating an unsteady posture and hindering

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