Essay On Missile Defense

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Missile defense system

Missile defense system is a weapon that is used against any enemy attacks, Missile defense system can be a weapon or a technology involved in tracking, detection and destruction of attacking Missiles Originally, it was used as a defensive weapon a way to protect a country against nuclear attacks and Intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs). The missile defense system consists of small rockets that get launched when there is a missile attack on an area.
The United States, France, Germany, Israel, China and Egypt Have all developed air defense systems. In the United States, missile defense was originally the responsibility of the Army. The U.S. Missile Defense will be designed to be used in the Navy and Air Force for missions.
Missile defense system is one of the best technologies that was created in the Army. The Missile defense system was used in Egypt in 1973 against Israel (suez canal war). I really believe that every country should have a missile defense system, because it is really important who knows when you will you be attacked and where? A missile defense system answers all those questions, I really suggest that every country should have a missile defense system , especially these days if we look in the middle east, we can see Iran trying to build nuclear weapons, you never know what other countries could do to the United States (History)
“Missile defense system was used during the cold war resident Eisenhower began the search for a defense to these missiles when he authorized the operational development of a nuclear-tipped interceptor missile, Nike-Zeus, and commissioned Project Defender to develop components for a nationwide ballistic missile defense system”. (joseph cirincione)
“Under the ...

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...y, it was widely used through out the world, especially in the Middle east where Egypt and Syria used the SAM 1 Missiles to defend against the Israelis Air Force, with the air defense network accounting for the majority of the downed Israeli aircraft. With Russian assistance the Egyptians established a robust air defense zone near the Suez canal which the Israeli Air Force made a concerted attempt to eliminate during the War of Attrition The Trumpeter SAM-2 Missile and Launcher are inexpensive, high quality miniatures of this iconic missile system. The build-up is easy and can be accomplished by anyone with relatively little modeling experience. The variety of camouflage schemes make this model missile a great addition to any military modelers collection. The first model displayed here replicates an S-75 on it's launcher as it would have appeared in the Six Day War.

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