Essay On Media And Advertisement

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Influence of media and advertisement
In todays world the media has been a key player in the transformation of ideologies and mind sets of humans. In one way or another, it controls human nature and thinking, and the best example of this is advertisements. The media and advertisements influence highly influence human mind set and mentalities. “ Advertising is the art of arresting the human intelligence just long enough to get money from it”. Now since the media has transformed and become mass media, small and large scale industries and buisnesses have extensively used them as a medium of communication for advertising their merchandise. It has become a good medium for innovative concepts and ideas to be shared with consumers. However as time passed, the levels of advertising has become much more advanced. The advertisements have become very tempting and attractive. It has lead to the consumerism at a very large scale and luxuries are now regarded as necessities.
There are many ways of advertising and promotion of specific products and commodities. The internet, television, radio and newspapers are just a few of them. According to a survey conducted in three regional European universities, with regards to the effectiveness of the internet ads (pop-ups), printed advertisements( posters and banners) and radio advertisements to keep themselves updated on the attitudes of customers towards their respective products. The result for this was that internet advertisements were much more effective than radio advertisements, there was no distinguishing between internet advertisements and printed advertisements or between poster and radio ads. The results do indicate that advertising media and quality of printed advertising which are presente...

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...ingle pop-culture world, watching same videos and music and providing a huge market for designer running shoes, t-shirts and jeans. At same time the consumer receives a flood of information through commercial advertising. An average American, (approximately), sees 150,000 advertisements on television in his or her lifetime. And advertising is increasing worldwide, faster than population or incomes. Global advertising spending, by the most conservative reckoning, is now $435 billion.”

Hence we can say that today the whole world is now influenced greatly in politics, individuality, economics, and so on by the Advertisements and other forms of media. However the effects and outcomes vary from person to person, subject to subject and business to business, but still the bottom line is that today almost every sector is highly influenced by the media and advertisements.

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