Essay On Light Pollution

765 Words2 Pages

According to the Merriam-Webster, light pollution is “light from cities, vehicles, etc., that makes it difficult to see things in the sky (such as stars) at night.” This means that irregular lightning cut off, unnecessary lighting, misdirected lighting, and excessively powerful wattage all takes the responsibility of creating light impurity. Light pollution may come in different names such as sky glow, photo pollution, and luminous pollution.
Why should we stop light pollution? Believe it or not, light pollution is one of the fastest forms of pollution. Light impurity is the reason why we can barely or sometimes can’t see the stars at night. Some people wonder why there are no stars at night. The stars are there, but the streetlights and other lightings have made it difficult for us to see them. Luminous pollution also makes the dead of night look like midday. Some may say, “Okay, it doesn’t show stars at night, so what?” The thing is this contamination affects not only our sky, but humans and wildlife as well. Light pollution disrupts animals’ and humans’ biological clock. Women need to have a proper biological clock. If there are unnecessary light in the middle of the night this prones them to have breast cancer. It affects our wildlife because this disrupts their migration cycle. The bright lights may confuse flying birds to crash into billboards. Non essential lighting causes the consumers’ and taxpayers’ electricity bill to skyrocket.
There are a lot of evidences of light pollution. Firstly, it damages our health because of the exterior illumination that disturbs our sleep. This causes us to lack the melatonin our body needs. Melatonin induces sleeping. Insufficient amount of melatonin prones us to have insomnia and even c...

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...tion that can help our biological clock. There are even many remedies and strategies we can use without our doctor. For example, there are insomnia remedies. There are a lot of people who can’t afford light bulbs or electricity bills that do not have this problem. Comparing the amount of people who can’t afford electricity and those who can just proves that we aren’t using much light as we could. This means that we aren’t polluting that much, so it’s okay for us to misuse light. People can contact specialists for light pollution remedies today. Many nations are working on projects for light bulbs to have less watt capacity just for this situation. James Abbott of UK’s major green party states that this could be easily resolved in a “flick of a switch.” In conclusion, this wouldn’t be such an environmental factor because it’s not permanent and there are remedies.

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