Kosher Diet Essay

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Something about Kosher Diet The general misconception about kosher food is that the food is blessed by Rabbi, or merely means clean and hygienic. There is no such blessing can make the food itself becoming kosher or non-kosher, even though Jewish ritual does recite a blessing before the diet. In summary, “Kosher is a comprehensive dietary discipline designed to promote Jewish spirituality.” So, what exactly kosher diet is about? Furthermore, is there any rule for kosher diet? Finally, how is the business of kosher food industry? The word “kosher” in Hebrew means “fit,” or ”proper.” Moreover, kosher is used to refer to food that meets the dietary requirements of Jewish Law, which includes a series of rules that regulate what food can or cannot be eaten, and how the preparation of the food should be. Kosher food can be divided into three categories: meat, dairy, and pareve. Pareve means neutral, neither meat or dairy, such as fruit, vegetable, fish, and eggs. …show more content…

The first one is to avoid any non-kosher animal. The land animals that have cloven hooves and chew on their cud are considered kosher. The Torah specifies that the camel, the rock badger, the hare and the pig are not kosher because each of them lacks of one of these two criteria. For sea creatures, anything with fins and scales is kosher. Consequently, shellfish such as lobsters, shrimp, and crabs are all forbidden. Unlike mammals and seafood with specific characteristics as kosher, the

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