Essay On How Immigration Changed America

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How immigration has changed America Immigration has changed America for the better by bringing together many diverse cultures from all over the world, allowing others to seek opportunity, and by tying America into the global economy. America is viewed as the country of freedom because, it is full of people that migrated from their homeland at some point. The United States is a safe haven for those who want freedom and rights which is why so many migrants come here to America. Many Americans would argue that immigration is negative but there are a lot of factors that benefit from people migrating here to the United States. Even from the discovery of America, immigrants from Europe sought an escape to seek religious freedom. That is why The United States Of America is referred to as the land of opportunity. Immigrants are one of the main reasons why America has the title of being free, because the whole point of coming to America was to cut all ties with monarchy’s and tyrants that didn’t allow religious freedom and opportunity. Those who migrate here are often times more grateful to be here than an American citizen and they pay back our country by working and filling the jobs that Americans will not. America is a nation full of immigrants, this is why we have so many different holidays and …show more content…

Immigrants have enhanced our culture by making it a combination of everyone’s diverse customs and traditions and, allowing us to enjoy different things. They bring in innovated ideas and success which benefits our economy and creates jobs. Immigration has also allowed people from different countries to seek opportunity and an escape to gain freedom and rights. America’s economy has been boosted, many different cultures have been brought together as one, and people are able to succeed and find opportunity because of

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