Essay On Hezbollah

581 Words2 Pages

It has been said that, one man’s terrorist is another man’s freedom fighter. When examining organizations that make this statement true, it’s hard to ignore Hezbollah. Hezbollah, also known as Hizbullah, or Hizballah, is a Shi'a Islamic militant group and political party established and residing in Lebanon.
Hezbollah, meaning “Party of God”, was created out of a volatile time in Lebanon. Lebanon in the 1970s was a collection of warring factions within the country. Palestinian guerrillas, Shiite Muslims, right-wing Christian Phalangists and leftist Sunni Muslims fought alongside as well as against each other for control of Lebanon's destiny. Syria moved in troops to aid the Christian Phalangists against the Shite Muslims. Israel was fighting against the PLO at time, which had footholds in Lebanon. In June 1982, Israeli defense minister, Ariel Sharon ordered 120,000 soldiers to invade southern Lebanon and engage the PLO. The Syrian troops put up little resistance to the Israelis. PLO forces were routed within days. Israel, very quickly, had control of about 25 percent of Lebanon, in...

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