Essay On Food Preservatives

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Amir Halimeh Mrs. Heather Garcia English 4 CP 30 March 2014 Food Preservatives When I woke up this morning, after I brushed my teeth, looking in the mirror, I thought to myself ; “what am I putting into my body that shouldn’t be there?” The answer to that question is the processed foods that large food corporations sell to us consumers and make us think that we are eating healthy and nutritious foods when we are eating processed foods filled with preservatives to make them last longer. As a consumer, if I buy a food item, I would think that this product is safe for my family and I to consume, but what’s the point of purchasing that product if that guarantee is not there. Why would you want something in your food that would make that food item look the same way after its natural expiration period? These additives are chemicals that corporations agree to add to make foods last longer. But thinking logically, why should food last longer than the natural decomposition period? It shouldn’t, food should last the time that it naturally should last. Not only can these foods be extremely unhealthy to my body, but they can also be leading to future problems that I will have. Due to the way I eat in todays day and age, I tend to ask myself a question more frequently than I should which is What affect can food preservatives do on the human body? Food Preservatives are added to food to reduce the decomposition period. Although some food preservatives are naturally found in some of Earths fruits, vegetables, and beans, many food preservatives are man-made chemicals and toxins to extend the life of food to an unnatural level. MedX India researched on how “Substances that are added to food items in order to inhibit, retard, or arres... ... middle of paper ... ... beverages. Aside from brain defects, food additives can also cause respiratory problems from long term consumption. “One of the harmful effects of preservatives in foods is the potential to cause breathing difficulties. According to, eliminating foods with preservatives from the diet can reduce the symptoms and severity of asthma. identified aspartame, sulfites, benzoates and yellow dye No. 5 as preservatives that could exacerbate breathing problems in asthmatics and others, while Medical News Today linked sulphites with shortness of breath and other breathing problems.” The negatives easily outweigh the positives in all situations whenever food preservatives and additives are involved. A consumer can enjoy a tasty toxin filled meal and beverage while they, later in life, have to make constant hospital visits for health problems.

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