Essay On Extended Family

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Family is the most important thing in the world a single word, with many different meaning. As the backbone of society family plays an important role in who an individual can be. The family can determine the class of an individual, the education level, and their religion. There are different types of families that have existed and some that are still present today. In the past the nuclear family was the ideal model. The nuclear family also called domesticity is characterized as, women being responsible for keeping the home and children and men being the breadwinner. It is two adults living together in a household with their own or adopted children. Another type of family is the extended family. The extended family is defined as a family group consisting of more than two generation of relatives living either within the same household or very close to one another. Grandparents, aunts, and in-laws are examples of extended families. From Jacmel, Haiti my step- father immigrated to America at the young age of eighteen, my mother followed suit in 1994 pregnant with me. As a …show more content…

Born in Leesburg, Florida she is the oldest of eight siblings. She was raised in a single-parent household with her full sister while her half-sisters lived with their mother in the same county in a different town. Unlike most families she was close with her siblings even though they didn’t share the same mother and in my case the same mother and father. According to the January 26-28 handout Netausha experienced a phase four childhood. Though her mother attempted to answer her questions in the best way that she could she felt as though the things she knows now regarding sex and relationships she learned at school or on the internet. I asked her if at any time she felt like she acted older than her age. “Definitely, I was always wearing tight clothes and makeup just so I can get a boys attention

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