Essay On Does History Need To Be Protected

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Does History Really Need To Be Protected? History is something that everyone knows about. People learn about it all through school, the fights and people that made our country and the world what it is today. However, it seems that the history they all know is under attack. Many people are forgetting the good that can come from knowing their history and are trying to hide it away. History needs to be protected and remembered, not hidden away and forgotten. People should not be afraid of their history, they can learn a lot from it. If people were to only take the time to truly look into their history and learn from it, then they would be able to prevent from making many of the same mistakes that have been made in the past. They could also …show more content…

Because of that, history needs protection from those people who do want to hide it. People should realize that hiding history away is not a good idea. History can be a valuable tool if used correctly. But, if they simply hide it away and forget about it, it does them no good whatsoever. The only thing that could come from hiding history away is a greater likely hood to repeat past mistakes. For some people though, hiding history doesn't seem to be enough, they simply want to tear it down. There are statues all over the United States of important people from the past. Granted some of them made some not so good choices, nobody's perfect. People want to tear down statues of Confederate soldiers or fighters (Karimi, #1). They use the excuse that the statues stand for the beliefs of the Confederates. Not everyone sees it that way though, some see the statues as a reminder of a past mistake, a reminder to not make the same mistakes now. If they tear down these statues, if we forget or tear down or hide that part of our history, we might just end up making that same mistake again. People must face the fact that those people and those mistakes are part of their history, accept it and learn from it. People cannot change the past, no matter how much they want

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