Essay On Benefits Of Preschool

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Allowing your toddler to attend pre-school is very beneficial in countless ways. Four- sixths of all toddlers attend Pre-k. It will allow a toddler to develop both socially and academically. By enrolling your child in pre-school, they are learning obedience, sharing with others and starting a base that will help them later on in their future education. Many parents fail to realize that preschool greatly helps prepare a child for kindergarten. As a child start to grow more on an academic level, numerous of parents start to enroll their children in preschool to get going on a road to an academic success. However, parent stress the issue that their child may not focus on the assignments given to them and more on play time. “For a child to …show more content…

In order for a toddler to learn good language techniques they must be nurtured in positive environment like Preschool. When a child is between the age of three and five, their vocabulary grows tremendously. They also start to make their sentences longer and more compound. The preschool teacher plays a big role in a child language and cogitative skills by asking open-minded questions and announcing new terminology during lessons and activities. Preschool helps develop a child’s cognitive skills by engaging in hands-on activities. The hands-on activities challenge a child to ask questions and solve …show more content…

Some people think that pre-school programs only target children from poor families. However, for many years they created an opportunity for children from middle and upper – income families to get free education as well. The reason why they targeted the poor because the government would pay the program more money and it would as be considered a taxed write off. Every child that attends a pre-k program would have a higher graduation rate and a lower delinquency rate. Preschool is not only beneficial to the child but also to the entire country. Forty-eight percent of children from low-income homes are not starting school ready to learn. Seventy-five percent of children from middle- income are starting school ready to learn. Parents whom are well-educated read to their child an extra hour a day than those who are not. Early learning certainly affects a child brain structure and creates an aspiration to learn more past age level. It is a proven fact that they are less likely to need assiantace from the government and drop out of high school. They even are less likely to be in trouble with the law and more like to go to college and become very successful. In low income setting and for children who don’t attend preschool is Thirty percent is most likely to drop out of high school. Forty-five percent is

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