Essay On Battery Models

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In this paper literature review of different types of battery models are given. These battery models having various characteristics are discussed and these models also described. In this paper, important parameters of battery like state of health(SOH), state of charge(SOC), run time etc. which affect the performance of battery. This paper gives the brief information of battery models. Moreover merits and demerits of these battery models are summarized. Battery is used to store energy basically its convert chemical energy into electrical energy or vice versa. This property of battery is very useful in power system. It has used everywhere for availability of energy. Some of its main applications are grown in last decade of year, these are:
• Battery is in Electrical vehicle[1].
• For the energy storage in plant we use Battery Energy Storage Plants. In this we compensate the flow active or reactive power.
• Batteries are used in Uninterrupted Power Supplies.
There are many parameters related to battery modeling like internal resistance, discharge type and discharge mode.

Internal resistance consisting of Self-discharge Resistance, Resistances for Charge and Discharge and Overcharge and Over-discharge resistance[2]. In discharge type one is Continuous Discharging in which battery gives the energy to load without any rest and other is intermittent discharging gives the energy to load for a period due to which voltage recovery take place cause increase in voltage. Discharge mode is consisting of constant load, constant current, constant power and rate of charge/discharge. High rate of charge/discharge decrease the battery life so avoiding this problem battery management system will introduced[3]. A controlling method is used to avoi...

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...her part is V-I characteristics in which and gives the transient response, and [24]. This modified model is used for predicting battery Run-time and I-V characteristic but this model is not suitable for transient response occurred due to short duration load. This model is used in Li-ion, NiMH, and lead-acid batteries for predicting SOC, terminal voltage, and power losses. Accurate determination of battery in this model, discharge capacity is a function of the discharge rate i(t) , temperature and cycle number it also include rate factor . SOC and is given by equation as:This paper is a literature reviews of different the types of battery models. These models having different properties as well as different characteristics. State of charge, run time etc we have different models for different applications like HEVs/EVs we use the adaptive model

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