Essay On 21st Century Church

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The new millennium is a term that is used to describe the twenty-first century, and it is my humble opinion that though times have changed, the responsibility and role of the church has not changed. The role of the church and its members is to be the eyes, ears, arms, legs, hands, and feet of God. On a more personal note, having recently been diagnosed with prostate cancer and living as cancer survivor, there are aspects of my life that have changed, but the awesome mission given to me by the Lord has not. Despite my ailment, I still have an assignment to tell all that I encounter about the love, protection, comfort, grace, mercy and salvation offered by Jesus Christ. Systematic Theology II, per the course syllabus, “…will help the student …show more content…

Teaching the doctrines of the church with fervor and God-lead wisdom will help sustaining the church’s viability. The Doctrine of The Holy Spirit will unfold the deep and hidden truths of God, and his desires for His church. The role of the Holy Spirit is that He bears "witness" of Jesus Christ and the church shares that role. Here is what John 16:12-14 says about the Holy Spirit in this venue, “I have yet many things to say unto you, but ye cannot bear them now. Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come. He shall glorify me: for he shall receive of mine, and shall shew it unto you.” The author of our textbook give great insight about The Doctrine of the Holy Spirit when he wrote this, “The gift of a new life of love, the gift of new truth, the gift of a new community different from other communities – these are inseparable gifts of the Holy Spirit and marks of true Christian spirituality (Guthrie 312).” These gifts are given freely from God via the Holy Spirit, and the new millennium church has a responsibility to tell the world that they are available to all who will receive them through their faith in Jesus

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