Essay About Plum

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Plum is a fruit that has a sweet and very juicy pulp. They belong to a wonderful family of Rosaceae and are cultivated in the months of May through October. The plants on which plums grow are a small shrub and are widely grown all across the world. Plums are native to China and are believed to have been originated in Greece. China, United States, Japan and Europe are its main producers and there are more than 200 varieties of plum known to us. The pulp is juicy and varies depending upon the type of plum and its color.
The skin of this fruit can be red, purple, black and green. They are soft, round and smooth-skinned and are approximately 3-6 cm in size. It has a large stone like seed in the middle, which is discarded once pulp is consumed. They have a very pleasant aroma and the dried plums are called prunes. Cheery plum, blackthorn plum and damson are the main cultivars of this fruit and are enjoyed by millions around the globe. …show more content…

Each type is filled with great nutritional content and will benefit you in multiple ways.
Blackamber Plum
A popular American variety of plum is blackamber, which has a black skin and light-yellow flesh. If they are picked after being completely ripped, they will have a very sweet and tangy taste.
Damson Plum
They are known as a tart variety and have purple skin. Many popular dishes involve damson plum and they can also be used to make jam or stewed fruit.
Elephant Heart Plum
This type of plum has a mottled brownish-gold skin with a ruby red-fleshed pulp. They are very juicy and can be squeezed to make fresh plum juice for a good health. They have a tropical flavor with a hint of vanilla.
French Prune Plum
They are compact purple plum with European-style and about a size of a walnut. They are perfect for making tarts and are extremely delicious and sweet, which gives them the name sugar plums.

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