Essay About Lunar New Year

702 Words2 Pages

Time has come and gone by fast as when people grow old. Every year many people around the world celebrate New Year to say goodbye to the past year and welcome another one come by. Like any cultures around the world celebrates New Year, in Asia Lunar New Year is the traditional holidays that people celebrates that year according to the moon 's calendar. Viet Nam is also one of the countries celebrates Lunar New Year. However, before Vietnamese people left their country, they learned and follow their own traditional lifestyle of Lunar New Year celebration. After the Viet Nam war, Vietnamese expatriated left their homeland to another country to find freedom, a better life, and a better community. At the same time, they won 't forget their own traditional holiday of celebrating Lunar New Year in a new land, because they would hope for a freedom come in their land and the happiness to
For example, Vietnamese has Red Envelope which means for the prosperity and luck that blessed from the elder to a younger person. It is also mean for many exchange good wishes, longevity, prosperity and wealth for the happiness for the coming year with a person got blessed. As for foods, nothing can replace to sticky rice and dried young bamboo soup in Vietnamese New Year 's dinner. It is a must have for a tradition Vietnamese 's New Year dine and also a believed to be a good lucks and a great fairy tale story behind New Year foods dine. Furthermore, with decoration of believing in charms, Vietnamese decorate their house with flower plants like cherry blossoms, yellow apricot blossom to welcome a new year to come by. The flower plants mean to bring a new season of spring into the family, a feeling of happiness, warmth, colorful to many Vietnamese homes and a blessed feeling luck

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