Essay About Illegal Immigration

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Have you ever thought of why people commit illegal immigration? Even though they know very well that once they are caught, they would be sent to detention faculty and then get sent back to the place they escaped from. I bet you haven’t even given it the slightest thought. I bet all you care about is the word “law.” Law is a system made by people that people use to uphold justice and fairness on people who committed a crime. Laws is not perfect. What we seek in our life is not a law that is imperfect, what we seek is the truth behind the word “why”. The truth behind the question, “Why did they do it?”. In illegal immigration, the answer to the question is that they seek a better life. A life that brings a better future for their kids, their family, and themselves, is what they seek. Many illegal immigrants moved to places illegally so that they would have a better future for their next generation. In this world, not many people get to live the lives they want. Not everyone gets to fulfill their dreams, especially illegal immigrants. You might think that, "No one told them to be illegal immigrants, so why should we care?" The answer is simple; They want a future. The future that holds their very lives. You legal immigrants might`ve been proud to walk down the streets, fulfilling your dreams, but imagine yourself as illegal immigrants. Standing in the streets, gathered with people. Afraid of getting caught by the police; living your life in terror. Every part of your body shivers when you hear the word, "illegal." This life is worse than being in jail. At least in jail, you still have a citizenship and a future when you get out, but illegal immigrants have none of those. Every person wants citizenship, because once you obtain citize... ... middle of paper ... ...ways get a position. The position determines your salary and the power you have in that job. For instance if you are an employee, you won't have power over your manager or your boss. Law, when you read this letter, what did you feel on what we should do? You might think that this is not your decision to make, but let me tell you this. You are the law that’s been constructed to uphold fairness and justice on people who breaks the law. You are the person who decides whether you’ll punish the illegal immigrants or not when they break the law. You have the power; the power to help those illegal immigrants. So why don't we lend a hand to those in need and offer them a better future. Why don’t we do something to show that this law is not unfair? Why don't we take one step forward and help those illegal immigrants, instead of taking them back to the place they escaped from?

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