Essay About Falling In Love

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We all fall in love at some point in our lives whether it be a passion, faith, or another person. Falling in love is a natural human behavior. It ensures the continuance of the human race through reproduction. Love is often considered a mystery because of its unexplainable feelings. It is the personal and affectionate relationship between two people. Researchers have discovered the biological reasons behind falling in love. The brain controls the signals that release chemicals and hormones in your body to give that rush that love brings.
Why do we fall in love? Why does love feel so good? Falling in love is a basic response humans have. It is essential because it ensures reproduction of the human race. Most people perceive love and the heart as connected. Some imagery used to describe love includes broken hearts, hearts with a hole in it, and the ever-popular valentine hearts. Falling in love is easier to feel than to describe to someone. It is an overwhelming feeling of pure happiness that would be difficult to experience without the brain and the role it plays when people fall in love.
First, we need to know what love is in order to identify it. From a biblical point of view, love is defined as, “love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud (Corinthians 13:4)” It goes on to include that love is not selfish, not disrespectful, it forgives, trusts, hopes, and protects. The Four Loves, written by C.S. Lewis, defines love as a focus on another person and accepting him/her completely for who he/she is. It is the unselfish giving of yourself. Love and other emotions: On the process of feeling, by Jason Brown, defines love as a source of importance and value.
These definitions are descriptions...

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...s and produce a greater desire for these pleasurable sensations. The dopamine levels offset the serotonin balances in the body. Serotonin is a chemical that helps to regulate and control the body’s compulsions and urges. Domeena Renshaw of Loyola University Chicago School of Medicine claims that the small levels of serotonin contribute to an individual’s inability to focus on things other than the person of his/her interest (Rubin, C.).
Falling in love is a great experience for many. It brings people together and it can tear people apart. Knowing what happens psychologically may not prevent the next break up but it does explain the reasons behind the emotions you feel. It provides biological reasons for why something didn’t work out and clarifies what wasn’t your fault. For example, the impairment of the frontal cortex is a biological response to falling in love.

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