Essay About Ants

531 Words2 Pages

Everyone must have asked these questions once in their life, why are ants so important or interesting to the world and life? Well, ants help in a lot of ways; they scatter seeds from place to place allowing more plants to grow all over the land, they pollinate and protect our plants and flowers and they dig galleries and tunnels that increase the nutrients in our soil. Ants have mutualistic relationship with several organisms likes other animals and plants. Ants can also be used as a pesticide for crops, because they keep unwanted harmful insects off the corps and the corps do not have to be sprayed with any deadly chemicals; which makes using ants as a pesticide organic and safer for the environment. Allow me to get more into detail; here are some more interesting facts and jobs that ants do to help us. I find ants to be such a unique insect because of the fact that they can pick 50 times their own body weight, not even the buffest men can do that. Also for each human there are about 1.5 million ants which mean their reproducing system is very high and fast. Ants provide a huge amou...

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