Erikson's Eight Psychosocial Stages In Early Childhood Education

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An educator who wants to work with infants takes a while to become an excellent teacher. Educators need to make sure that they keep up on the training so that they get the most out of designing a developmentally age appropriate curriculum. New educators should have, in my opinion, a great education, some good methods on how to observe children correctly, and some experience with job shadowing an early childhood educator in a K-3 classroom before they start their journey on becoming an excellent teacher for the rest of their life. When an educator starts to work with an infant, they should know before starting on how an infant develops to look for cures on if the individual child is developing on time or is delayed. According to the National …show more content…

The stages do range from birth to adult, but if the first stage is not met the infant cannot move up into the next stage. (Young Child, 167) Trust vs. Mistress is the first stage and occurs around birth through one year olds. Trust vs. Mistress is a stage of hope for the child. The second stage is Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt and occurs between one year olds through three years old. This particular stage shows if the child is willing to do an activity. Stage three is Initiative vs. Guilt which occurs ages three through six years and shows if the child has a purpose for doing something. The fourth stage is Industry vs. Inferiority which occurs at ages between six and eleven years and shows if the child has a sense of competence. The fifth stage is Identity vs. Role Confusion and occurs in adolescents and shows them if they have a sense of fidelity. The sixth stage is Intimacy/Solidarity vs. Isolation which occurs in adults and shows them if they have the ability to love. The seventh stage is Generativity vs. Self-Absorption and also occurs in adults and enables them to care. The eighth and final stage of theory is Integrity vs. Despair which occurs in adults and shows them if they have the wisdom to share with younger children and teenagers. Like I said before, this theory must start at birth and travel smoothly up the stairs so that no or minimal contact

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