Equinox Case Summary

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The patient is a 75-year-old female who is brought to the ER because of some dizziness. She has a very complicated medical history of mitral valve prolapse, uterine fibromas having hysterectomy, a question of Ménière's disease, anxiety, hypertension, asthma, CVA in 1994 with mild right-sided residual weakness, urethral stenosis, recurrent UTIs, pulmonary embolism, and idiopathic afib she did presyncopal developed Equinox, a history of diverticulosis, and diverticulitis. The patient is admitted inpatient. It is to be noted initially there is a question of a syncopal episode. Troponins are negative. She is dehydrated with urinary specific gravity of 10:30, and she has positive nitrates and leukocytes. She was initially placed in the emergency

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