Equal Employment Opportunity Commission Case Study

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The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission mission is to enforce federal laws that make it illegal to discriminate against anyone applying for employment opportunities. Discrimination will be leading to major problems in the next few years, which could cause poverty, violence, and crime. Discrimination cases are having large payouts, but the cases being are not decreasing in large amounts. The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission is not living up to its mission because the discrimination cases being filed are increasing in the 21st century.
The Equal Employment Opportunity filed 142 lawsuits alleging discrimination during the fiscal year of 2015. The lawsuits included 100 individuals and 42 suits involving multiple victims or discriminatory …show more content…

The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission is not resolving any issues because they’re making payouts, but failing to prove discrimination in the workplace. The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission alleged Texas Roadhouse refused to hire older individuals applying for jobs nationwide for positions, such as servers, hosts, and bartenders because they were 40 years or older. The Employment Equal Opportunity Commission also alleged Texas Roadhouse informed older applicants who applied for positions the restaurant was for “the younger set environment” “we are looking for people on the younger side” and “you seem old to be applying for this job.” Age discrimination violates the age Discrimination Act, so the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission filed a lawsuit after attempting to reach pre-litigation settlement with Texas Roadhouse. …show more content…

The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission chart shows a decrease in gender discrimination since 2012, and remaining at a constant 29% of cases filed at the end of 2015. A straightforward approach is used to propose gender stereotypes by naming, identifying, and understanding the context. An example on how gender stereotyping comes into place, nurses are usually females, and you don’t see as many men in the healthcare field working as a nurses because it is for women. Gender discrimination comes in play when harm is applied to an individual. A woman may want a job that portray the role of a man, and she is discriminated against, and The Equal Employment Opportunity states what laws are being

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