English 101 Reflective Essay

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First thing I experienced walking into English 101 as a freshman was anxiety and nervousness. Going through high school I was never really good at English and having English 101 as my second class as a freshman was eye opening. I have learned to use proper technique while writing papers, looking through my paper for grammar errors and also that it is always good to ask for help when confused and if you are stuck on a paper. Going through English 101 I have made myself better at writing, by taking my time on my papers, focusing on my papers to make them better, and to look for small errors in my writing to make them better. I made myself better by going over my papers slowly to make them seem like they were better. I focused on grammar errors …show more content…

The next paper I wrote was, The Tornado of the Century, it was a descriptive essay and I really focused on finding the small things in my papers to make them correct. I begin to use a website called paper rater and going to Mrs. Thomas for help during the next couple of papers, so I starting narrowing down the grammar mistakes to make my grade better. The third paper I wrote was, How to be a Wingman, I found out in this one that punctuation was everything, because I got some points off for using the wrong punctuation. However, taking out this grammar issues did help my grade in the end. The final paper I wrote was, Success, this was by far my favorite paper, because I knew how to look for grammar errors and punctuation errors. Even though I still took this paper to Mrs. Thomas, she was not marking it up to badly just for the fact that I learned these things over the course of the class. Now nearing the end of English 101 I believe that Mrs. Thomas helped me figure out how to write in so many ways. She always believed in me and always made me keep my head on straight while writing these papers. Even though these papers challenged me mentally, they also helped me become a better

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