Elijah Muhammad Book Report

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Elijah Muhammad endured many teachings as well as influential moments. For example, when the television program aired and the newspaper got out, things took a turn. People began calling out upset and slander. Mr.Muhammad “could maintain his calm and patience”, as the text states. The opposed blacks began calling Muhammad a demagogue, fanatic and crackpot. Things began to get more complicated and worse. As stated in the book “ Mr. Muhammad said he wanted us to try our best not to publicly counter attack the black “leaders” because one of the white man’s tricks was keeping the black race divided and fighting against each other”. The book also states “Mr.Muhammad said that this had traditionally kept the black people from achieving the unity which was the …show more content…

He came from the east to the west, appearing in North America. He originated at a time when history and the prophecy that is written was coming to a rise.During this time the “devil white”civilization condemned Allah, was through its devilish nature, destroying itself. Wallace Fard was posing as a silks seller in Detroit, Michigan when he met Elijah Muhammad. He then gave Elijah Allah’s message, and Allah's guidance.” To save the lost found nation of Islam, the so called Negroes here in this wilderness of North America”. Wallace Fard originates from the Korean tribe of Muhammad Ion Abdullah, the Arabian prophet himself. He taught that God’s true name was Allah, that his true religion was Islam and that the true name of that religion was Muslims. He also taught that the Negroes in America were directly descended from Muslims. Another teaching of Wallace Fard was that no hell was on the ground. Instead he taught that both heaven and hell were conditions in which people lived right here on planet earth.Wallace Fard also taught that the negro in America had been for four hundred years from the Nation Of Islam, and that he had come to redeem and return the negro to his true

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