Elie Wiesel Chapter 4 Analysis

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Before Elie goes to the concentration camp he is the cosseted son of a rich and influential man. His life turns only around his belief in god. He is even angry with his father because he doesn’t let him fast and study the Kabbalah. In Elie Wiesel’s book Night on p. 4 Elie asks his father to find him a master who could guide him in his studies of Kabbalah but his father responds “You are too young for that…..First you must study the basic subjects, those you are able to comprehend.” But already when Elie arrives in the concentration camp he starts to doubt in god because he sees a truck unloading little children in a huge fire. After all the new arrivals start to pray a death prayer for themselves but Elie only thinks “The Almighty, the eternal and terrible Master of the Universe, chose to be silent. What was there to thank Him for?” (p.33) He can’t imagine that there is a good and almighty god when as …show more content…

It’s imaginable that he goes through all kinds of feelings, possibly also anger because he remembered how naive he was and how often he could have escaped. Elie probably feels that he has to talk to people for letting them know what happened and maybe he realized that writing his story down was helping him to recover. It seems like it worked since he was able to revisit Auschwitz in his seventies he must have come over everything. He must have forgiven himself for for what he did wrong and maybe he remembered also faith even when he didn’t believe in god as person anymore. When he revisits Auschwitz with Oprah Winfrey he wrote forty-seven books but he tells her that he’s still not satisfied with his work “I believe often that I haven’t even begun.” (9:24 min. , Elie Wiesel) Probably he felt that a live long that he didn’t tell enough and that there are so many more thoughts that he have to share with the

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