Elephant Critical Thinking

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Critical thinking is taking the time to analyze and research everyday situations in order to know how to deal with them. From authors to senators thinking critically is a must. According to Dr. Richard Paul and Dr. Linda Elder in “The Miniature Guide to Critical Thinking” “Shoddy thinking is costly, both in money and in quality of life. Excellence in thought, however, must be systematically cultivated” (Paul and Elder 4). Thinking critically is not easy and it is not supposed to be, which makes it difficult for the younger generations to accomplish it or even understand why it is so important. The age of critical thinking is dying and we need to take steps in order to instill Universal Intellectual Standards into our schools curriculums, which promotes methods of questioning clarity, logic and accuracy (Paul and Elder 10). …show more content…

When writing a story or assessing a situation, clarity plays a key role in understanding. Let’s say an Author relates a situation to the reader and does not take the time to make the example connect with what he or she is writing this intern will confuse the reader and no clarity is found. In Gorge Orwell’s famous short story “Shooting an Elephant” he sets the story first by explaining how much the people in small village disliked him, which intern gave us the reason why at the end of the story he goes against what he believes in and kills an elephant just to impress them. Now if he would have left out the hatred they had for him in the story it would have no clarity because we would not understand why he did what he did (Orwell 347-351). Leaving out important details confuses the reader and makes for a dull story, which also leads to no

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