Electronic Cigarette Ban the Best Regulation

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Regular cigarette users are now using electronic cigarettes to kick their habits of smoking tobacco to the curb. Studies have shown that electronic cigarette use is more helpful than nicotine patches for the smokers who are wiling to quit. Fairchild and Colgrove provide an article debating on whether electronic cigarettes should be banned from society and the benefits of the e-cigarette “The Case for Tolerating E-Cigarettes”. The authors incorporate a simple approach to establish that nicotine is not good for anyone who uses cigarettes. Therefore, a well-known alternative to cigarette users, electronic cigarettes were created to reduce the harmful effects associated with smoking cigarettes. Many risks associated with smoking cannot completely be eliminated so regulation of tobacco products is a better way to help decrease the harmful effects associated with smoking tobacco. The federal government has took interest in proving safer tobacco products for over fifty years. In 1964, the Surgeon General linked smoking with lung cancer however, he included that new kinds of cigarettes were necessary to provide safer tobacco products. In the early 1970’s the government spent about 6 million dollars trying to come up with new ways to develop safer tobacco products. The health secretary Joseph A. Califano Jr., found in 1978 that more research should be put into developing less hazardous cigarettes. Although Califano believed smoking was the public enemy he believed in the safety or making a safer cigarette for smokers. Even the American cancer society, who stressed concern over the creation of less hazardous cigarettes, supported less harmful cigarettes that would satisfy smokers. The tobacco industry manipulated it’s products by making su...

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...smoking. The electronic cigarette still contains nicotine and may even contain as much nicotine as a regular cigarette. Therefore, the banning of electronic cigarettes is not a counterproductive decision but one that can prevent the 480,00 tobacco related deaths (CDC.gov). Every year people are dying due to a cigarette addiction and electronic cigarettes still considered cigarettes will not prevent these deaths. E-cigarettes would not prevent the 42,000 deaths associated with secondhand smoke every year (CDC.gov). Electronic cigarettes produce secondhand vapor that affects other individual’s noses and throats. Nevertheless, electronic cigarette would still affect the people surrounding the smokers. The debate of whether the electronic cigarette should be banned will not stop unless the FDA configures this new form of cigarette safe for everyone including nonsmokers.

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