Electrolysis Research Paper

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Electrolysis Removes Your Unwanted Facial Hair Permanently

If you're embarrassed by hair on your lip or chin and you're tired of removing it constantly, then electrolysis could be the solution. Electrolysis removes hair permanently. It's safe for use on facial hair, and it frees you from having to pluck or shave unwanted facial hairs ever again. Here's some information on how it works.

Electrolysis Targets Individual Hairs

Electrolysis removes one hair at a time. A needle is used on an individual hair that transmits heat or a chemical that kills the hair. This can be a time-consuming effort if you have a large area done, such as your legs. However, it's the ideal option for facial hair that doesn't cover a wide area.

Multiple Treatments …show more content…

It will take multiple sessions to completely eliminate all hair growth in the area. However, once the process is complete, the hair won't grow back. Electrolysis is the only method of permanent hair removal available. Laser hair removal is another popular option, but it works by slowing the growth of hair drastically. You'll usually need followup treatments with the laser to keep hair away. Once hair is removed with electrolysis, you won't need followup treatments in the years to come.

Treatments Might Be Painful

You may find electrolysis treatments painful depending on your tolerance. Pain can usually be controlled with ice, but you might be advised to take an over-the-counter pain reliever before each session. Once the treatment is over, you might have slight tenderness and the area might be red, but these effects clear up quickly.

Electrolysis Works On All Types Of Hair

If you're not able to have laser hair removal because of the texture or color of your hair, you should have no problem with electrolysis. Electrolysis works on coarse hair as well as dark hair on dark skin, and it gets consistent results. It's suitable for both men and women and it can be used on all areas of the body, even in sensitive

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