Egyptian Pyramid Research Paper

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Imagine, a magnificent structure in which you can see from space or have to journey in the deepest jungle of Central America. These great structures are known as pyramids. The two main type of pyramids which could be found in two different parts of the world. Egypt, the Pyramids of Giza and the Mayan Pyramids which are found in Central America. Also the designs and the purpose for why the ancestor have created these beautiful and flawless frameworks. Let us continue into a journey of the Mayan and Egyptian Pyramids. The Egyptians’ pyramids known as the Pyramids of Giza. Which first started construction in 2550 BC. According to “The Pyramids of Giza” by “Helena Gustafson” [source 1] claimed that “The pyramids at Giza have been astonishing …show more content…

According to “Mayan Pyramids” [source 3] “The Mayan were a Mesoamerican civilization that arose around 1500BC.” Which is quite a difference between them and the Egyptians civilization. The material on which these structure was made out of were stone block held together by lime mortar. Also the structure has major differences. The Egyptians pyramids were series of tunnels. As for the El Castillo Mayan Pyramids [source 4] had stairs and the height is only 79 feet with only one chamber at the top. Now what were the used for? “Only priests were allowed to climb the stairs to the top. They performed religious rituals including sacrifices. The pyramids were often part of large complexes that included palaces, ball courts, plazas, and court yards.” [source 3] So they use these structure for much more than the Egyptians. They use them for religious ritual and sacrifice or even to spectate a sport. Which is quite fascinating. Another thing about the Mayan Pyramids were “Even now there are Mayan Pyramids hiding in the thick jungle, waiting to be discovered”. [source 3] So there are still more out there that are need to be

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