Effects of Exporation

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Exploration always has negative effects on those being explored. Two major periods of exploration were very close to each other and they involved the exploration of the Americas and Africa's. Consequences of exploration in the Americas included constant battles over gold, slavery, and entire populations being wiped out from foreign disease. The consequences of exploration in Africa included families and villages suffering loss due to slavery, harsh conditions on voyage to America, hard labor for little to no pay, harsh treatment from owners.
The age of exploration started with one Spanish man by the name of Christopher Columbus from 1460-1521. He stormed the Americas claiming lands in the name of Spain, God, and gold. Columbus when first exploring reached the Americas thinking he had hit the East Indies. Instead he reached a Caribbean island and named the natives Indians. These ‘Indians’ were defenseless against everything the Europeans brought because everything they brought was bigger and better than what the Natives had. Although the Spanish Crown had instructed to use diplomacy before force the explorers and their armies were very aggressive. Occasionally the Europeans had brought big dogs with them to fight off any unfriendly Indians. “Native villages were plundered, women raped, and people taken into slavery. One tactic was to lure the tribal chief into the Spanish council and hold him hostage until their demands were met.”(Gale) These tactics often would the explorers up in situations where they were at war with the Natives. This almost ensured that exploration of the Americas was going to have negative effects.
The Americas were the first to be explored. The biggest factor to why exploration had negative effe...

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...is also a small population of people alive now who are descendants of Native Americans because 90% of their population was wiped out years ago. Transitioning back to Africa, even today Africa is a poor country that has been able to slowly develop because of the tragedy exploration caused them. Initially, a nation being the United States was constructed and thrived of of human labor for almost 400 years.

Works Cited

Kincheloe, John W., 111. "American Indians at European Contact." NCpedia Home Page. Tar Heel Junior Historian Association, 2005. Web. 12 Jan. 2014.
"Spanish Presence in the Americas." Gale Encyclopedia of U.S. History: War. Detroit: Gale, 2009. Student Resources in Context. Web. 20 Jan. 2014.
Watts, Sarah L., Dr. "Africa and the Americas In the Age of European Exploration."Africa and the Americas. Wake Forest University, 2001. Web. 12 Jan. 2014.

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