Effects Of Stereotyping In Today's Society

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In today's society we will encounter and face numerous problems that can be solved. In everyday life we as human beings walk around giving other individuals stereotypes without realizing that we are doing so. One of Society's biggest problems that we are facing right now is stereotyping people. Stereotyping people have so much of a negative effect on our society. Our social life is one thing that gets affected. We spend our entire lives, not going up to certain types of people based on only the fact of how we perceive them, which stops us from meeting and socializing with others. Our motivation to go out and take risks is also something that is affected. Many might feel because they are a particular race, religion, sex, and etc. they shouldn't …show more content…

Stereotyping then causes other problems that we face in our society like racism, sexism, discrimination, and many other obstacles that we face in our community. Stereotyping has a negative effect on racism because when people stereotype they don't take the time out to learn other cultural and ethnic backgrounds or just them as people due to ignorance. Stereotyping has a negative effect on sexism because people feel like just because someone is a certain gender they can or can not do something. For example, many feel because women are known to be natures many people believe that women are not cable of being strong leaders. Stereotype's negative effects hurt society emotionally and mentally. Stereotyping doesn't just start they're are countless causes of why people stereotype other individuals. When someone can't identify and understand certain groupings of people they tend to make things easier for them.We as people love to categorize things and make them simple and instead oversimplify things. Stereotyping human beings is something that starts at home and is learned

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