Education: The Path Way to a Brighter Future.

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“Charity sees the need, not the cause.” (German Proverb) Many people may question “What is charity?” According to Webster’s dictionary, Charity is defined as the benevolent goodwill toward or love of humanity. Charity to me is significant because it gives you a feeling of inner satisfaction while helping out your community as well. If you have the capability, then you should be able to share it with those less fortunate. The community we live in has a huge influence on us personally – it fosters safety, responsibility and sustainability – so it is important that we take our community seriously for the greater good of humanity and for our own personal benefit. I believe that teaching is the most important job known to humanity. In fact, I do not believe it is a job, but rather, a debt payment to society. Education is important because it not only opens doors to a better life, but it also insures one a happier life. It develops in us a perspective of looking at life. It makes us capable of interpreting rightly the things perceived. Without education, we as a whole, would be further behind in the world and would not have as much technology as we do now. Education also equips us with all that is needed to make our dreams come true. It is because of education that we have the comfortable living style that we have today. For those who are troubled, education acts as an outlet to success. It is education that builds in every individual a confidence to make decisions, to face life, and to accept successes and failures. It instills a sense of pride about the knowledge one has and prepares him/her for life. Many organizations and charities help students across the world succeed, whether it is with reading, empowerment, helping them ... ... middle of paper ... ...d to become successful adults. I myself will be explaining the importance of coping with everyday life issues in an optimistic way and the importance of not letting peer pressure such as sex and drugs let you down, specifically from a young woman’s standpoint. Durrell Burns will be stressing the difference between procrastination and preparation and how manners are important while carrying yourself in public. Racquelle Perry will discuss the importance of good self-esteem while Lance Wilson explains that it is never too early for academic success and how to fight peer pressure from a young man’s point of view. Lastly, Fatima Neal will be exploring ways to fight against bullying and the importance of a healthy lifestyle and carrying out healthy relationships versus bad ones. We, after great debate and discussion, have decided to teach these lessons in Ben Franklin.

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