Duty Of Care Case Study

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What ethical principles were impacted? What was the ethical duty of care to Lewis? How was it breached? As Confucius states, “To know what is right and wrong, and to not do it is the worst cowardice.” Duty, obligation of one person to another, flows from eons of social culture, philosophy, and religion. Ethics are similar to the mortar that holds the bricks of law and statutes together – without the mortar, the wall would be more prone to collapse. Ethics are different from laws in that they are an unenforceable moral code or set of principles to guide behavior, though there may be regulatory bodies which can act if the ethics have been breached. In the case of Lewis Blackman, the primary ethical principle of non-maleficence was breeched, …show more content…

Not only do health care providers have an ethical implication to care for patients, they also have a legal obligation and responsibility to care for the patient. According to the Collins English dictionary, a duty of care is ‘the legal obligation to safeguard others from harm while they are in your care, using your services or exposed to your activities’. The legal definition takes it further by making it a requirement that a person act towards others and the public with watchfulness, attention, caution and prudence which a reasonable person in the circumstances would use. If a person’s actions fail to meet the required standard, then the acts are considered negligent (Hill and Hill, 2002). If a professional fails to abide to the standard of practice for their practice in regards to their peers, they leave themselves open to criticisms or claims of breach of duty of care, and possibly negligence. Negligence is comprised of five elements: (1) duty, (2) breach, (3) cause in fact, (4) proximate cause, and (5) harm. Duty is defined as the implied duty to care/provide service, breach is the lack thereof, cause in fact must be proven by plaintiff, proximate cause means that only the harm caused directly causative to the breach itself and not additional causation, and harm is the specific injury resultant from the breach. …show more content…

The nurse, a traveling nurse, was working on a unit and received orders for infusion of normal saline in a 7 month old. He saw a small bag of what appeared to be saline on the desk in the nurse’s station, with the manufacturer’s pre-printed labeling indicating that it was filled with normal saline. One key aspect, as described by the traveling nurse, was that he had encountered in other health systems that pediatric infusions were specified in small bags. Based upon these two perceptions, the nurse administered the infusion – despite the pharmacy applied label being on the other side of the bag. Needless to say, the child died shortly after receiving the infusion, despite resuscitation attempts. The infusion was actually prepared for his adult patient

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