Dual Nature Of Dr. Jekyll And Hyde

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In the book Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde, author Robert Louis Stevenson fabricates an absurd story to interpret his understand of human nature and psychology that humans are not single character, but they have double; for every person, the good and evil are separated; however, they are existing in one personality to form a dual nature. Throughout the strange case of Dr. Jekyll, the story is truly fantastic in the reality, there is no neither factual basis nor scientific basis, but a completely imaginative or fictitious character created the author. And the reason is that he wants to express a profound implication. Dr.Henry Jekyll, the protagonist of the book, is a respected doctor of medicine, a seemingly prosperous man, and a diligent …show more content…

He is well established in the community, and known for his decency and charitable works. However, he reflects himself and finds that “worst of my faults was a certain impatient gaiety of disposition,”(Stevenson 73) and even that he has an impulse to be evil. In another way, Dr. Jekyll has both good and evil characters simultaneously. Because of the society 's moral codes, and the education he has had, Jekyll decides to use good appearance to perform in the society; meanwhile, he has to restrain the evil severely. He feels extremely miserable because of the contradictory life he is experiencing. Therefore, he invents a drug which could changes him in another person, so that he can pour all of his internal evil into this body. This person named Edward Hyde. Hyde is not only younger and stronger, but also ugly and full of energy. Dominated by his primitive instinct, Hyde recklessly does whatever he wants without considering any moral factors. In the book, Mr. Hyde …show more content…

Jekyll writes in the confession, “ the praises of conscience began to grow into a thing of course; I began to be tortured with throes and longings, as of Hyde struggling after freedom.”(Stevenson 86) In this way, one moment Jekyll wants to indulge himself, and feeling disturbing for next. He falls into the painful dilemma, “I was slowly losing hold of my original and better self, and becoming slowly incorporated with my second and worse. Between these two, I now felt I had to choose.”(Stevenson 84) If he chooses to connect his destiny with Dr.Jekyll, then he must stop everything about hyde, giving up all the pleasure of acting aggressively and arbitrarily; in another hand, if he chooses to connect his destiny with Mr. Hyde, then he will lose all his interests and ambitions, being a man who is disdained and criticized by

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