Dual Income Households

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You just had a baby and now you are faced with a difficult decision. Do you head back into the workforce, leave your baby at daycare and have half of the society view you as the driven, hard-working, ambitious woman you are while the other half says that you should take care of the child you chose to bring into this world? Do you stay at home and figure out creative ways to stretch a dollar since you will be a single income family and could be deemed lazy, noncontributing members of society? (Morse) Approximately five decades ago, there was double the number of households with the stay at home mothers as there is today. Therefore, mainstream society has moved in the direction of dual-income households causing career mothers to have increased exponentially. Some of the studies that have been done to determine the effects of upbringing have been to determine their overall behavioral health, how they perform academically, and the overall mental health of the mother and how she affects her relationship with the child. Through these studies, we can gain a better knowledge of how the children are affected by both environments. …show more content…

They asked who worked outside of the home and who did not. They also did a study on the stress levels of both scenarios then they conducted a happiness level survey. The results were similar in some categories, however, were vastly different in others. Some women stated that they do not work outside of the home so that they may be available for their families and some said it was due to the inability to find a quality child care facility. Career women stated their choice to work was due to a dual income home is a

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