Drug Testing In The Workplace Essay

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Today, places of employment such as schools and hospitals, among others, conduct mandatory drug testing, and more and more employers are implementing drug screening of their choosing. It may come as a surprise to some that recent data revealed that 67.9 percent of all adult illegal drug users are employed full or part time. Source https://www.drugabuse.gov/related-topics/drug-testing In the workplace, substance abuse can manifest itself into tardiness and absence, diminished productivity, workplace accidents, and other disruptive types of behavior. Furthermore, drug testing can develop into an unwelcomed and serious problem for individuals who employ medical cannabis in the treatment of one form of ailment another. Will the non-psychoactive …show more content…

In assessing confirmatory testing and screening, testing guidelines typically coincides with accepted cutoff levels for drugs and drug byproducts present in the urine. A standard urine drug screen for marijuana use consists of an immunoassay with antibodies that are made to detect it, and its main byproduct-11-nor-delta9-caboxy-THC (THC-COOH); the SAMHSA has set the cutoff level for a positive urine screen in the immunoassay at 50 ng/mL, at which point a confirmatory gas chromatography/mass spectrometry) test is conducted to confirm the initial positive urine screen. Sourcehttps://www.leafly.com/news/cannabis-101/does-using-cbd-hemp-oil-result-in-a-positive-drug-test-for-thc-or However, non-psychoactive cannabinoids such as cannabidiol (CBD) generally does not register on urine drug screen for THC-COOH, removing the possibility of cross-reactivity. For CBD users who are concerned about drug testing, this fact should lower their anxiety. Furthermore, CBD is not known to be a priority for cannabis drug testing, largely because it does not cause a high in users. Its molecular structure is entirely different from that of

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