Drug Dogs Essay

745 Words2 Pages

Drug dogs are classified into three categories – those that are aggressive, those that are compulsive, and those that are very laid back. These dogs go through very extensive training before performing their tasks. Training takes anywhere from three to twelve weeks. Dogs come out of this training with different types of personalities.
The first of this category would be the aggressive dog. This dog is the one that tends to be forceful and damaging. The aggressive dog will tear things apart when searching for drugs. This dog takes his or her job serious. You can compare these animals to human beings when it comes to work. Some human beings take their work serious as well. Most of the time an aggressive dog will make your job harder. …show more content…

This dog compares closely to the aggressive dog. The compulsive dog will tend to be a dog that is ready to go at all times. This dog will have to be held back even when it is not needed to perform. Compulsive dogs are dogs that are born to retrieve and do not have to be taught. These dogs will fetch the first time you throw a ball or an item. These dogs train quicker than the aggressive dog and usually perform their job well. Compulsive drug dogs are easier to get along with, in that they are friendlier than an aggressive dog. Compulsive dogs make great pets after they are no longer used for drug searches. Many times the compulsive dog will lead you to believe there is drugs hidden in an area where there is none. This tends to create suspense to a search. It keeps you on your toes as to the level of threat to your self, especially when the person responsible for the search is in the same room with you. Most compulsive dogs are friendly, but will protect their master at any level. The compulsive dog is usually protective due to the relationship between the dog and the dog handler. The aggressive dog usually takes no consideration of this relationship at all. It just attacks no matter what the case. The aggressive dog is usually protecting itself, whereas the compulsive dog is protecting his

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