Dr Moreau Quotes

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People have free will. People have the ability to choose right from wrong. With this responsibility people need to think about the outcome of actions and how it will affect society. In The island of Dr. Moreau, Dr. Moreau and his friend Montgomery try to turn animals into humans. When Dr. Moreau decided to do this he did not considered the possible results. This is made clear in the book because why would a person in their right mind want to make something that could potentially kill them? On page 316 Dr. Moreau says, "For 17 years I have been striving to create a... some measure of refinement in the human species you see. And it is here, on this very island, that I sir, have found the very essence of the Devil." He also said, "the creatures I had seen were not men, had never been men. They were animals - humanised animals - triumphs of vivisection." These quotes are saying that he knows he has done wrong. After 17 years of torturing animals Dr. Moreau may have realized that what he has been doing is playing into the tricks of the devil. The devil is trying to destroy God’s creation and turn it into genetically made mutated humans. On page 156 …show more content…

In a time with so much technical advancements, like ultrasound, people are still able to justify abortion by claiming it is not a human being. This has gone too far. Page 474 quotes, "indurated was I at that time to the abomination of the place, that I heard without a touch of emotion the puma victim begin another day of torture." When you create something that is against natural law, His law, and put innocent people or animals into danger it's gone too far. Animals will never be humans. Animals and humans are two different distinct creatures. While similar in some ways very uniquely different in others. The human has an immortal soul while animals do

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