Does Skinny Equal Beautiful?

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Does Skinny Equal Beautiful?

What constitutes a woman as beautiful? Is it a genial personality? That might have been an appealing trait in the years past, but these days a woman must be unsightly skinny to be considered beautiful. In years past, a woman with a little meat on their bones was considered attractive. This has caused the female race a great deal of distress. Every female has a desire to be seen as attractive. She wants to be received well by society. Women are being driven to take drastic measures for approval. Females will do anything to be skinny so that they are socially accepted as beautiful, even if that means putting their health in jeopardy.

There are many determinants for this conviction in society. However, the major cause for this conviction is the media. Rarely does society see a female celebrity that is not skinny. If a female has any fat on her bones, she is not attractive and cannot be considered beautiful. All of the top most beautiful women in the media are extremely skinny. Not once will the public see an overweight woman on a top most beautiful women list. Actresses often accredit not getting a role in a film to not being skinny enough. They will then take drastic measures to lose weight. To make matters worse, all too often that actress is already too skinny and yet she still strives to lose more weight. Women are striving for an unattainable body figure that is portrayed by the media as being the ideal standard for today's women. This even shows up in the magazines women read. It has been a proven fact that women often feel depressed after looking at the pictures of models in the magazines they read. These models are portrayed as if they are the cultural norm. If women d...

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...ssion and often times contemplate suicide. As of right now, thin is beautiful and it does not show signs of changing. If more people speak out about eating disorders, the public would know that most thin females, especially celebrities, are not naturally that thin. They are sacrificing their lives to look that way. If a female even speculates that she has a problem, she should seek help immediately. Eating disorders can be treated and, if caught early enough, easily overcome. There are many ways to get help. Talking to a teacher, parent, friend, or doctor is an easy way to get started. From there, there are many rehabilitation facilities located throughout the United States. Even a local hospital can help. If you are suffering from an eating disorder, the first thing you must realize is that you are not alone. Do not be afraid to speak out and get help.

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