Does Hamlet Love Ophelia Essay

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Children are usually the ones hiding their romantic feelings for one another through foul play and “cooties”. In Hamlet, there is a rather unclear message of whether Hamlet is in love with Ophelia or not. A love note to Ophelia presented to the King and Queen just so happened to be signed with Hamlet’s name, however. Hamlet is also very fond of speaking about how beautiful Ophelia is as well. Yet, when actually speaking to her, he says otherwise. Perhaps this is to disguise his true feelings, just as a child would. Hamlet, for whatever reason, does not want to reveal his feelings for Ophelia to anyone, but knows he cannot hide them from himself. In Hamlet’s most famous monologue, he starts to really get passionate. When people are in such a state of passion, where they are just speaking whatever is emerging from their own heart, they tend to reveal truths about how they feel. During this monologue, Hamlet says “The fair Ophelia. -Nymph, in thy orisons; Be all my sins remembered.” (3.1 90-91). He compares her to a nymph, which is a mythical creature, typically pictured as the most beautiful of women embodied with nature. Not only is he speaking of Ophelia in such high regards, but he is doing it while letting out true and passionate emotion. This is a sign that within his heart,
This letter is allegedly written by Hamlet, and proceeds to say how true his love is for her. “Doubt thou the stars are fire; Doubt that the sun doth move; Doubt truth to be a liar; But never doubt I love.” (2.2 115-119). The time this letter was written and whether Hamlet truly did write it or not are unknown, so it is possible that this letter could be from a long time ago or an imposter. However, if this letter really does belong to Hamlet, telling Ophelia to never doubt his love for her is a pretty bold statement. Perhaps it is even a message for the future, when he begins to tell her

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