Diversity In Law Enforcement Essay

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Diversity and law enforcement can have both beneficial and also face many challenges as well. Many people feel that it can only be a good thing to have diversity which is not necessarily true as you will find out later on. Just because you are the same nationality or skin color as someone does not always mean you won’t get stopped or you will get an easy pass ironically they could even be harder on you. Diversity is important in law enforcement to prevent prejudice and promote understanding. Diversity allows for new methods in law enforcement, creating a positive legal force. I will explain why our society can benefit from diversity in law enforcement. Diversity can include a number of things but not excluded to race, empathy, effective communication, compassion intelligence, and the ability to relate to people on a personal level. The relation between the diverse people can only be explained between each other, such as gay and lesbian people will feel more comfortable talking to other gay and lesbian people. People feel more comfortable around their own people as far as minorities also. Law enforcement is such a predominately middle age job usually dominated by white men, that many of these groups don’t even bother trying to apply for the jobs because they automatically feel that they are going to be discriminated against or just not get the job because of how they look and not fitting the standard which has been set for years.

Diversity Benefits in Law Enforcement

Diversity in Law Enforcement, does it even exist? Would it really make a big difference?
I am going to look at the factors of having diversity in law enforcement and to show how it can be beneficial to our society. Many people feel their can only be good com...

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...oldiers seek employment as police officers after their discharge. Due to this the military-police integration, it has the tolerance level toward gays and lesbians in law enforcement is similarly affected by how they are treated in the military. The “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy is increasing in strength; homosexual police officers are starting to obtain more recognition. “An important achievement that New York’s GOAL tries to create is one of their most important objectives is to protect gay and lesbian officers from being mistreated in the workplace. “We can benefit from gay and lesbian police officers because they represent more than just a human rights effort, they also represent a range or roles and skills that can enhance the flexibility of police work without forgetting the real mission are to fight crime and protect the people. (Miller, Forest, Jurik) 2003.”

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