Divergent is Cool

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Eric is the epitome of bravery, the very home which it lives. Though cold heartedly evil he displays more bravery than any other character in the book Divergent by Veronica Roth. Eric displays his courage in many different ways. Eric puts his life in danger every day by lying to the faction he leads, communicating with his leader, and through the acts he commits every day. Throughout the book you see Eric’s cunning and bravery displayed over and over again. He talks very tactfully and hides his true intentions well. You can see that Eric is through and through, Erudite. Even though he belongs to a different faction, he is a leader of Dauntless. It can be assumed that Four’s and Eric’s trainers were just as hard as Eric and Four themselves. The trainers must have been clever, clever enough to see that Eric was not what he said he was. Eric was a spy, the first pawn played in Jeanine’s elaborate scheme to take over all five factions. He never faltered once and continued on, knowing that if he was caught, his punishment would be far worse than death. Every day Eric lied to the faces of the Dauntless leaders even though he knew the consequences. He did it to save his true faction, Erudite.
Eric was of the belief that Abnegation was corrupt, evil and abusing the powers that had been given to them. Thinking this he fought for what he thought was right. If Eric was ever found out as a spy he would be killed on the spot. Even knowing this he kept going. He put his life on the line throughout the entire book to save the family and friends he believed had been taken advantage of. He had told so many lies that he now held them to be true. His people were being exploited and their life was endangered. On pages 276 and 277 Eric is brave enoug...

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...as. Their lives were endangered and the now corrupt Abnegation was the cause of it. Eric grew up in this world and he made himself into the hero to save it. All of Eric’s actions were made to save his family, friends, and faction. His actions were callous and heartless because he thinks with his brain, not his heart. He does the most logical solution to every problem and follows it through, no matter how malicious.
Eric is a very misunderstood character but, he is the knight of bravery, albeit the Dark Knight of Bravery. He is cold hearted but he does it in an attempt to save his people. He is constantly endangering himself to save the Erudite. He risks his own life to release Erudite from the oppression of the Abnegation. His evil acts are his acts of courage, though could hearted. Without these evil acts of bravery the world around us would have long ago changed.

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